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When Will The Deposit Be Refunded?

I had my Check-out 5 days ago but I did not receive my deposit yet.

Finances Legal
40% found this useful
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Can I Book If I Am Under 18 Years Old?

I am 17 years old and I want to rent one of your accommodations. Is this possible?

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We Are A Group, And We Are Renting An Apartment. Can We Pay Each Our Share Of Rent?

We are renting an apartment and would prefer to pay our share instead of having one person pay the total sum. Is this possible?

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Is Cleaning Included In The Rent?

Cleaning is not my hobby. Is there any cleaning service included in the rent?

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Why Is The Contract And Other Documents All In Dutch?

I received a tenancy agreement, but it is all Dutch. Can I get an English translation of the contract?

Contract Legal Tenant
20% found this useful
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Can I Visit Your Office So You Can Help Me Find Accommodation Or So You Can Answer Some Of My Questions?

I am looking for housing but it's so difficult. Can I come to the office, so we can check the options and book with you? I have some questions and would like to drop by the office to ask them. Is this possible?

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Can I Bring My Own Furniture Into The Accommodation?

I have my own desk and desk chair. Can I use them instead of the present furniture?

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We Want To Book An Apartment As A Group. What If We All Have A Different Arrival Date?

We are booking an apartment for 1 August, but I won't arrive until 27 August. Can I get a rent reduction?

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Is There Bed Linen And Towels In My Accommodation?

I am checking in soon but beddings and towels are quite heavy. Do I need to bring my own or do you offer any beddings and towels?

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Which Kind Of Accommodations Do You Provide?

I would like to book an accommodation, but I am unsure of what the differneces are between the type of accommodation.


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