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My Take-In Form Data Is Incorrect, What Can I Do?

Please ensure the accuracy of the information in your Take-In Form, as it is crucial for our automated processes. The details you provide will be automatically extracted and used to generate the tenancy agreement, and to send you important emails and signature requests.

Errors in details such as, but not limited to, date of birth, document ID number, country of origin, email, or misspelled names cannot be manually edited on our side. In such cases, you will need to submit a new Take-In Form and pay the one-time fee again without a refund for the previous forms. Therefore, we strongly recommend thoroughly reviewing the Take-In Form before finalizing it to prevent unnecessary time and expenses.

If the error concerns the telephone number, we can adjust it for a service fee of 25 EUR.

For more information, refer to our General Terms and Conditions.

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