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How Can I Dispose Of My Household Waste?

I have been living here for a few days and my trash bin is almost full but I do not know where I can dispose of my household waste.

How To Tenant
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At What Date And Time Is The Check-In Scheduled?

I finished the booking process with you and my flight arrives on Monday at 6 PM at Schiphol airport. Can I check-in at 8 PM?

Check-In Tenant
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What Is A Monthly Check?

I got an e-mail today regarding a monthly check. What is the purpose of such a monthly check?

Maintenance Tenant
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Why Is The Contract And Other Documents All In Dutch?

I received a tenancy agreement, but it is all Dutch. Can I get an English translation of the contract?

Contract Legal Tenant
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At What Date And Time Is The Check-Out Scheduled?

The end of my contract is near but I don't know when my check-out will be scheduled.

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