FAQs directory

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Can I Change The Email Address The Invoices Are Sent To?

I would like to receive the invoices on another email address, is that possible?

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Can I Check-In On An Earlier/Later Date Than The Starting Date Of The Contract?

My tenancy agreement starts on 1 September but I am already in The Hague on 23 August. Can I check-in earlier?

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Can I Check-Out Earlier/Later Than The End Date Of The Tenancy Contract?

My check-out is planned for 31 August but I have a flight on 23 August. Can I check-out before 31 August?

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Can I End/Terminate My Contract?

I am moving back to my home country and I do not need my accommodation any longer. Is it possible for me to end the contract before the end date?

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Can I Extend My Contract?

I have a short stay contract, but I decided that I want to stay longer. Is it possible to stay?

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Can I Sign The Tenancy Agreement For A SHH Partner Accommodation Without A Student Housing Hunter Service Agreement?

I filled out an interest form for a place and it's now asking me to pay upfront and then a monthly fee to Student Housing Hunter. I just want to sign the lease for the room I filled out the form for. How can I sign without this Student Housing Hunter contract?

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Can I Start My Contract On A Later Date Than The Advertised Availability Date?

The accommodation is available per direct but I won't be in The Hague until next month. Can I start the tenancy agreement next month instead of directly?

Availability Legal
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Can I Start The Booking Of Multiple Accommodations?

You are in need of housing and want to start the booking of several accommodations to increase your chances in securing an accommodation.

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Can I Stay Even Though I Am Not A Student?

I want to book a stay for twelve months but am graduating in a few months. Can I still stay with you once I am graduated?

General Legal
60% found this useful
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Can I Visit Your Office So You Can Help Me Find Accommodation Or So You Can Answer Some Of My Questions?

I am looking for housing but it's so difficult. Can I come to the office, so we can check the options and book with you? I have some questions and would like to drop by the office to ask them. Is this possible?


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